Forex Books - Intermarket Analysis of Forex Markets

Intermarket Analysis of Forex Markets
By Louis B. Mendelsohn

Most traders stress the role of fundamental information and historical single-market price data in analyzing markets for the purpose of price and trend forecasting. Traders do need to look back at past price action to put current price action in perspective, but they also need to look forward to anticipate what will happen to prices if their analysis is to pay off in the real trading world. To be able to look ahead with confidence, however, traders need to look in one other direction, and that is sideways to what is happening in related markets, which has a major influence on price action in a target market. What are the external market forces that affect the internal market dynamics – the intermarket context or environment in which the market you are trading exists?

Moving beyond single-market analysis Intuitively, traders know that markets are interrelated and that a development that affects one market is likely to have repercussions in other markets. No market is isolated in today's global financial system. However, technical analysis has traditionally emphasized single-market analysis, focusing on one chart at a time and failing to keep up with structural changes that have occurred in financial markets as the global economy has emerged with advances in telecommunications and increasing internationalization of business and commerce.

Many individual traders still rely upon the same types of mass-marketed, single-market analysis tools and information sources that have been around since the 1970s when I first started in this industry. And a large percentage of traders continue to end up losing their trading capital. If you’re still doing what the masses are doing, isn’t it likely that you’ll end up losing your hard-earned money, too? In the forex markets especially, you cannot ignore the broader intermarket context affecting the market that you are trading. You still need to analyze the behavior of each individual market to see the double tops or broken trendlines or indicator crossovers that so many other traders are following because that's part of the mass psychology that drives price action. However, it is increasingly important that you factor into your analysis the external intermarket forces that influence each market being traded.


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